
Kirk Douglas: The Road Ahead

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/26/2016 12:33:17 am PDT

re: #20 austin_blue

But he’s got do it in fifteen minute segments, talking on specific policy points.

Drumpfskind can just drone on about how great his businesses are… and so on.

I can’t recall the three questions for the debate, off the top of my head. All I remember is that I sneered at them as they carry a lot of asshattery baggage.

Still, any one of them will, I expect, just be used as a platform for Drumpfskind to go on and on about his wide-spread successes makes him uniquely qualified to save America from the bogeyman.

I expect each 15 minute segment to be filled with give and take with the moderator time-keeper.