
We Got Mail!

DisturbedEma4/01/2009 8:05:07 pm PDT

Sigh…another rant by the self appointed maven…if you look into waht autism is, you realize that while there are many SHARED behaviors that are common in on form or another…not all autistic kids are alike…

To be blunt- I believe that “autism” is a new label for a condition that has been around for many years- I believe that is you look long and hard at the “spectrum” you will see that at any given point in our lives WE are all showing certain behaviors that are now defined as autistic.

Based on all that I have seen, heard, read, and tried in my life with 3 kids with this condition, I have to say that the real challange to autistic kids and their parents is the nuts who are so concerned with causality that they are willing to allow hundreds if not thousands of kids to die of diseases, while at the same time allowing quacks of every sort to hawk any snake oil they please, by stamping natural or homiopathic on it, if you look at a lot of the “herbals” out there, teas and pills, you see that they mostly carry a disclaimer stating that the claims they make have not been evaluated by the FDA…hmmm

Charles- of all the people I have had make statements on this whole issue, you are one of the few that come off ans genuine and understanding about what is going on out there…and for that, thanks, and thanks too so much for allowing me to be here.