
Another Investigation Exonerates the 'Climategate' Scientists

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/07/2010 1:57:38 pm PDT

Enough with mention of Al Gore. The first serious report on the potential consequences of AGW was in 1965 and prepared by the National Academy for the Johnson Administration. This is much older and much bigger than Al Gore.

I am sick of seeing his name in every damn thread about this.

He is not a scientist.

The science he did bring was correct.

The only that matters is the science itself and it has been overwhelmingly confirmed by thousands of independent researchers, after hundreds of them have been raked over the coals only to be exonerated again and again.

So let’s really get this straight.

AGW if unchecked will lead to war, famine, plague, drought, heat waves, extreme weather events, lack of fresh water, failure of food supplies, global unrest and the loss of our coastal cities and infrastructure.

Billions will die as a result.

The fools who are blocking action are complicit in murder and the willful collapse of our civilization. They should frankly be tried for crimes against humanity and executed - which is exactly what should be done with any would be mas murderers.