
Wingnuts Who Predicted Doom for America Now Saying 'We Can Survive 4 More Years of Obama'

lawhawk11/08/2012 10:34:59 am PST

The GOP could not do the GOTV that the Democrats had done. They’re amazed at the fact that the electorate was more minority and women oriented than their models and projections had suggested? They shouldn’t have been. When the Democrats specifically targeted their messages at their slices of the electorate, it was done with purpose and it once again bore fruit - with a Democratic win despite events and an economy that gave the GOP an opening.

But the GOP simply couldn’t deliver a message enough people could hear and they were barely able to get through to their own faithful.

It’s not all Romney’s fault of course, but when you lead a party that is openly misogynistic and whose tax policy will be revealed at a later date after the election except to say that it will shift burdens onto those who can least afford them, you’re going to have to man up and accept blame.

It’s also quite telling when you and your running mate can’t even carry the states that they call (or have called) home. If the places where you ran for office and previously were elected are now voting against you, there’s something fundamentally wrong with the candidates and their platform.