
Video: Donald Trump Accuses US Soldiers of Looting Iraq, And It Isn't the First Time

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/14/2016 9:19:20 pm PDT

Huffington Post has an article up now that two days after the Orlando Massacre, they sent in someone to buy an AR-15, and it took less time than dealing with the DMV or buying a load of groceries.

So much for Florida’s so-called state of emergency.

They also note the seller told the buyer the background checks were taking longer than usual, as people are scrambling to buy such rifles after the mass murder. (Mass murders are always good for business, as noted by the sharp uptick of gun manufacturer stocks on the stock exchange today.)

The entire purchase took thirty-eight minutes. They didn’t buy any ammo though; the store apologised the .223 ammo had all sold out in the wake of the shooting.

They used an out-of-state driver’s license as ID.

Huff Po says they will return the gun for a refund. (I would rather see them give it to the guy on the Hydraulic Press Channel on YouTube - he crushes things with a multi-ton hydraulic press for fun.)