
Obama Tries to Sell the Spendulus

Irenike2/05/2009 6:15:43 pm PST

The reason Obama won is because he promised to give people something for nothing. He promised a free lunch. And people believe this crap. They think they will come out ahead, on somebody else’s dime.

A musician friend of mine voted for him because he said he would support the arts. My friend didn’t take into account the fact that the rich folks might quit coming to her concerts, or paying for her private lessons, when Uncle Sam takes too big a bite out of their earnings.

Something will give. Either the taxpayers will quit working so hard (and so wealth will decline and people will lose jobs) or the most productive brains will move somewhere else where they won’t get taxed as much. And then, what you have left is a place like France: Quasi-socialist, embittered, crappy service, no innovation, but lots of vacation time and lots of welfare.