
Michael Savage Banned in Britain

jvic5/05/2009 10:00:12 am PDT

re: #71 subsailor68

As an American who was raised to treasure (and defend) the Constitution - including the First Amendment of course - I’m a little troubled by the idea of banning speech (with the obvious caveats of course). I know the UK is a different animal, but when we start creating lists of people who should be banned because of their speech, we start down a road that leads to very dark places.

Agreed, but we are entitled to have one standard for our citizens and another for non-citizens. In fact, doing so is prudent, IMO. That’s in general. In this particular case:

I’ve only heard Savage by accident while dial-twirling. Nothing I heard made me want to hear more. Nothing I heard made me think he should be banned from Britain.