
Overnight Video: Monstrous Wildlife - Graboids

Orange Impostor8/07/2010 8:36:34 am PDT

re: #176 RogueOne

No. I was discouraging people yesterday for taking a MediaMatters report at face value. I didn’t realize that would be so controversial.

That was my post regarding Limbaugh, where he stated that talk about secession and civil war “are not the rantings of extreme kookism” (his words) that you’re still taking issue with .

Please make a note that I link I provided includes the audio segment so you can judge for yourself whether the statement is accurate.

After you said not to trust the MM clip because “that partisan sites just might put edited clips out there that take things out of context”, I replied to your accusation here:

with this statement:

The clip is an unedited, self-contained segment. It begins with a call taken by Limbaugh, followed by his response in monologue form (no interaction with caller outside of opening part of segment). The only way this could have been edited is if sections were taken out mid-segment, and the flow of the clip indicates there are no gaps.

There was no Brietbart-style editing here - Here’s the link to the transcript taken directly from Limbaugh’s own site.

CALLER: I’m calling because I don’t know if the election is even going to solve the problems in this country. I’m very conservative, but I don’t think… You know, look at what’s happening in California. Let’s say that most of the conservatives win reelection in midterm elections. They don’t have to accept it. There will be other judges. I think it’s already too far gone.

RUSH: Well, okay. If we’re too far gone, then what are you going to do?

CALLER: I think the states may be be looking at secession, maybe another Civil War — and tell you the truth, I’m ready for it because I’m so hopping mad.

RUSH: You know, this is —

CALLER: I’m mad every day.

RUSH: I know. You’re mad.

CALLER: I’m mad at the —

RUSH: You are mad every day. Other people are depressed every day. Look at what people in this… This is a reasonable woman and she’s talking about secession, Civil War! She’s not alone, folks. This is not the rantings of extreme kookism anymore. Minorities do not… You know, if we give way to the minority every time, we got minority rule — which is what we’ve got, by the way, and look where it’s taking us. Minority rule. So, “The midterms aren’t going to matter. We need a revolution. We need secession.” She’s mad. A lot of other people are mad. (interruption) Well, some might say the Civil War’s already on, a nonviolent one with no arms that have been taken up, but some would say a Civil War’s going on. Not started by us. If you’re of the opinion that the Civil War is underway, it’s been started by the American left years and years and years ago and is just now intensifying.

Wanna explain where Media Matters took his words out of context?