
Right Wing Launches Another Fake Outrage Over CNN, Based on Outright Lies

weststpaulbear7/05/2017 8:01:26 pm PDT

I may have missed this posted earlier, but Colorado has decided to turn over voter info to the Trump cartel. You can opt out, but:

“If you believe that you or a member of your household will be exposed to criminal harassment or bodily harm because your voter information is publicly available, you may elect to become a confidential voter,” the official website states.

In a press conference on Wednesday, Colorado’s secretary of state said voters would be required to explain their reason for the request under oath. He said people who typically qualify are domestic violence and/or stalking victims, as well as people with certain careers like law enforcement.

To become a confidential voter, you must go to your local county clerk and recorder’s office, fill out a voter confidentiality form, and pay a $5. Click here for a list of county clerk and recorder offices and contact information.