
Texas School Board Creationists: Darwin Would Have Liked Us

NY Nana2/23/2009 10:49:53 pm PST

re: #116 Walter L. Newton

Sadly, it seems that ‘Public school’ does not mean what it used to anymore, and my kids said that if any of this ID and creationism is taught in the schools my 3 grandkids go to? They would make such a fuss, etc. It does not belong in any public school anywhere in the USA.

Luckily, the elementary schools the 8 and 6 year old granddaughters go to, one in NY, and the other in NJ, do not, and they go to Hebrew School for their Jewish education. The 2 1/2 year old goes to a Gan, (nursery school) in Brooklyn, where yes, they do learn about the holidays, and especially the Sabbath, where he bakes a challah every Friday AM…it is the size of a dinner roll, and somehow it is nearly all gone by the time my daughter drives him home..about 10 minutes from where they live. He does his versions of the blessings, in Hebrew…and we are amazed that he can at his age. My son in law is an atheist, BTW, but has been just wonderful re Gan. He attends parties, etc., whenever he can, and helps out.

Any parent who desires a religious education for their child can send them to the religious school of their choice…after school. And any school board that that allows this crap? Vote them out of office.

End of case!

There is so much to learn in public schools now…and the kids come home with piles of homework, even in kindergarten. Creationism, etc.? Seriously, there really ought to be a Federal law to keep it out of public schools.