
Tapscott: 'Cap and Traitor' Is Over the Line

NukeAtomrod6/30/2009 2:09:28 pm PDT
Could somebody please explain the difference between people on the Right calling the eight GOP congressmen who voted for the Obama-Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade anti-global warming energy bill “cap and traitors” and the far lefties at calling Gen. David Petraeus “General Betrayus”?

I’d be happy to. Gen. David Petraeus was just doing the job the President hired him to do. He neither compromised on his own perceived principles or did anything other than what he was asked to do by the President and Congress. The only reason moveon used Betrayus in the ad was because they wanted to smear him and it rhymed with his last name.

The eight GOP congressmen voted in a way that is perceived as opposite to what their own constituency and the party as a whole wanted. Therefore they betrayed those groups. Cap and Traitors is a clever rhyme that describes the situation fairly well.

It is inflammatory? Yeah.
Overly critical? Maybe.
Effective? Probably.