
Overnight Open Thread

TheMatrix317/12/2009 1:32:33 am PDT

I sent my uncle the Palin/McCain screwjob article posted on LGF earlier today, and I don’t get HOW someone like him can believe what he actually responded with…..

Clearly there was infighting and as always there’s two sides to the story. Here’s how I see it: A hero having honorable long standing service to his country turns out to be an impulsive man who makes rash decisions. The poor judgement in choosing Palin killed any possibility of winning, though most likely he would have lost anyway. My guess is that she was blamed internally for the then impending loss — and that bled out to the media and the public. He is to blame big time, but no messy divorce is ever one-sided.

Still I don’t have any sympathy for her because she was a scary person for this country. Even in losing, McCain created a danger for our country because of the spotlight she now has and hence her ability to run for the presidency in 2012. But I don’t think she’s electable, so a moot point. What is the danger you might ask? You have to start with her: This woman is 100% ambition (one of the worst of emotions) and in that sense similar to Hillary whom I loathe equally. But unlike Hilary, add religion and ignorance of the world around us, you have an explosive mixture. Coming on the heals of years of Bush with untold damage to our country, having her as President would be catastrophic to the world economy, world peace and the American stature and interests globally. This is indeed the disaster that has been averted — so far — with Obama’s election. But so much work remains to be done before we are out of the woods — and he may not succeed.

Still the transparent WWF style maneuvering isn’t over. She’s running for 2012, so you’ll see her again. I guarantee it. It’s the A word and ambition never fails.