
Connecticut Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

Mostly sane, most of the time.4/12/2010 4:56:09 pm PDT

re: #206 Olsonist

Yes. I’m saying that law should be changed. OBVIOUSLY if an 18 year old is getting prosecuted for sleeping with his 17 year old girlfriend, (a) the cop/DA need a smacking and (b) the law should be changed.

As opposed to all statutory rape? 20 and 13 should be prosecuted, although I would favor boot camp over prison, just to make him grow up.

Teens really do need to be told, though:

Don’t take naked pictures of yourself. 11 points stupid on a 10 point scale.

“She told me she was sixteen” is not a defense, and having sex with someone you just met is really, really dumb. In the doctor’s office having him explain what those little bumps are dumb.