
Neo-Confederate History Lessons for Kids

Gusbenz7/11/2010 6:32:41 pm PDT

re: #154 Charles

I mean, we fought a dirty, bloody war over this issue. It ought to be settled. There’s no good reason for exhuming these long-dead arguments once again.

This is what I mean by ‘bad craziness.’

I disagree. Why is it ‘bad craziness’ to openly discuss history? Granted, my first post was hastily written and misread, which lead to some hostility. The Civil War was fortunately won by the Union. That’s settled. It is known. It is good. However, reading and examining the old arguments is always a good thing. Mencken’s quote was taken from a 1922 article, some years after the war. I see no issue with discussing the lead-up to the Civil War. I wholeheartedly agree that it’s ‘bad craziness’ when indoctrination is pushed by zealots of a dead ideology, especially when pushed upon school children. Still, it’s never a bad thing to examine the banner of a long dead racist ideology, it is however deplorable to hoist it up and fly it high.