
Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. the Wingnuts

Birth Control Works5/06/2012 5:25:26 pm PDT

re: #209 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, I’ve heard good things about Sacks, but I’m going to cast a somewhat skeptical eye over that one.

First, unless there’s more background to that, it’s strictly anecdotal. Are there political speeches these folks listened to with a different response? Who by? Did this person’s later political career suggest that he was not hiding anything, or lying, when he gave the speech?

Second, I’m just deeply skeptical of this ‘wisdom of the madman’ sort of thing. Sure, maybe these folks had some sort of special insight into Ronald Reagan (which was remarkable similar to the opinion of ‘normals’ who didn’t like Ronald Reagan). But I’ve got a story about a paranoid schizophrenic who thought Bill Clinton gave him a little thumbs-up on TV to thank him for being the only person in the U.S. whose vote was actually counted, and for giving him a second term. He was incorrect. This story does not give any actual insight into Bill Clinton.

Thirdly, I have a feeling Dr. Sacks wasn’t a big Reagan fan. Maybe I’m wrong.

If there’s more to this story, then I’d be interested, but it sounds fairly inadequate as damning evidence to me. There are plenty of reasons to dislike Reagan’s legacy without turning to using aphasiac patients as some sort of Delphic oracle.

I agree. The aphasic’s interpretations are colored by their personal bias.

BTW, I love Oliver Sack’s books. I’ve enjoyed reading them.