
Video: Tea Party, The Documentary Film

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/29/2009 10:49:34 pm PDT

re: #195 Gus 802

I think it’s pretty clear. In order to be a part of the Tea Party clique one has to be a neo-fundie homophobe that’s also opposed to all forms of abortion. So one might think they’re joining a “club” committed to limited government and fiscal conservatism but it also includes those old fashioned so-con virtues circa 1983.

There will be an issue. The only completely common thread among that crowd is they are conspiratorial minded and lack perspective. They are concerned about increasing government control over issues that are outside the scope of government, which is a valid issue, but they think we are living in the Progressive Socialist Reich right now, which is insane. This insanity is really the only common thread. What will happen is eventually the Paleo-Cons & Christo-kooks will start to butt heads with the secular libertarians and it will get ugly. The people who think they are joining a club committed to limited government and fiscal conservatism, if they are not also sympathetic to the so-con baggage of the movement, will be impure to the So-Cons. I can see both “sides” trying to “purge” the other out of the new “Patriot” movements within a year.

Get your popcorn.