
And Now, the Blame Game

harrylook1/20/2010 9:30:48 am PST

re: #190 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I am sure the technology is a lot better now than it was then. There are basically two types: ones with tubing and one’s without. I have the former. It’s real small - fits in my pocket - and I run the tube through a hole in my pocket up to the infusion site. No one knows I have it unless I tell them.

The other type just sits on your abdomen - the whole pump. The advantage is no tubing, but I find it bulky and unsexy. To each his own.

Pumping isn’t for everyone, but I like being able to skip meals when needed, and easily correct high BG. Also, to tie this into the thread, I’m lucky to have great insurance that pays for everything. If you don’t, pumping is expensive.