
Heaven for Atheists? Better Read the Fine Print

A Mom Anon5/26/2013 7:46:24 am PDT

Grandkid update:

Youngest, with the broken arm has been released from the hospital.

Middle child has had her neck brace removed, it appears that she only broke her nose, not her jaw, and has two black eyes. They will probably release her later today.

Oldest, the grandson who went through the windshield has also had his neck brace removed, is awake and talking so that’s good. Still waiting to hear back about the surgery, he’s still in the ICU. I think my ex is lying his ass off about the kids wearing seat belts to cover his girlfriend’s ass. He’s already talking about suing someone(um, it’s not his kids in the hospital. What a horse’s ass). I can’t find out any information about the accident, I doubt the cops would tell me anything if I called up there.

My son’s friend(not related to the mess with the grandkids) is still in a coma, haven’t heard anything new, only that they put a second stent in her head after the aneurysm surgery.

It’s going to be a long day.