
AP: The Bush Administration Kept Colin Powell in the Dark About Torture

Lidane7/31/2014 6:37:56 am PDT

My surprise, etc. Apparently the ReaganBook site has been overrun by trolls:

ReaganBook shows no discernable signs of longevity. It’s already been forced to temporarily shut down, after many of its thousand plus members are trolls calling themselves things like “Albradorft Lincler,” “Al Zheimers,” and “Ben Ghazi.” The site runs tremendously slowly, and its attempts to interact with members through a messaging platform have proven fruitless. There’s hardly any involvement in thought-provoking (and clearly troll-created) pages like “Cut Dicks for Christ,” which simply says: “Calling all cut dicks.”

But a page devoted to the metal band Slayer has garnered the likes of “Dick Cheney,” “Manuel Noriega,” and “Israel.” An impressive roster of interested parties for a website that has only been around for a day.