
Something You Won't See Every Day: Lachy Doley, "Voodoo Child" (On the Whammy Clavinet))

Backwoods Sleuth8/25/2021 3:34:56 pm PDT

re: #206 JOE 🥓

Ok so that WONDERFUL Judge smacked down Powell and Wood.

But she left Rudy & Jenna off the hook! 😰

apparently they were not part of this.
From the order, the attorneys are:

The following lawyers electronically signed the pleading: Sidney Powell, Scott Hagerstrom, and Gregory J. Rohl. (ECF No. 1 at Pg ID 75.) The Complaint listed the following attorneys as “Of Counsel”: Emily P. Newman, Julia Z. Haller, L. Lin Wood, and Howard Kleinhendler