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Walter L. Newton2/10/2010 5:43:01 pm PST

re: #196 Naso Tang

Not hurt, numb.

The one point I found most interesting was that in the 2004 post landing of 815 time line, Ethan was a OB doc, off Island.

Now, in the original time line, Ethan was born on the Island to a Dharma female member, became an other at some time, and was helping “steal” children on the Island and was responsible for capturing Claire…

“Ethan took Claire to DHARMA Initiative station “The Staff” where he and the Others, including Tom, were going to perform a Cesarean section in order to take Aaron for themselves. He drugged Claire to make her compliant and injected her, or her baby, with a substance. While showing Claire the Nursery, he was scolded by Tom for not making a list before bringing Claire. During the time Claire spent in the Staff, Ethan’s treatment of Claire was both concerned and sympathetic. He referred to the Others as “a family”. (“Maternity Leave”)”

And he later was killed.

Yet, in the new time line, he was not on the Island, put still a part of Claire and her baby.