
Video: Fox News Pimps Creationist Grievance-Mongering and Book-Banning

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN4/09/2010 5:01:22 pm PDT

I sitting here in my kitchen listening to a freind of my wife. She asks me if I’m afraid of Obama. (WTF?) How the hell should I be afraid of Obama?
He’s bad for Isreal.
We don’t live in Isreal. Besides, it’s Isreal that bad for Isreal right now. If you want to be afraid of anyone, it should be Netenyahoo.
(Change of subject) Do you think doctors are going to get screwed? (She and my wife are doctors)
I really don’t know. Weren’t reimbursements going down anyway? (the answer is yes)
Change of subject again(!) Whenever I listen to Rush it makes me want to cry.
You should hear Glen Beck.
But there’s a little bit of truth in what he says.
Yeah, I guess so. (This is an educated person here)