
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Salamantis5/12/2009 11:59:12 am PDT

re: #198 neverquit

I reject the claims that National Socialism as a “rightist” philosophy. To me, the control it exhibited by the state, onto it’s citizenry, is more associated to Leftist Ideals than Rightist Ideals. Yes. If that is in spite of the accepted history, that is what I believe. It’s not the first, nor the last time I will dispute accepted history.

I feel that Hitler tolerated the industrialists as much as he had too, and no more. If that meant them keeping some of their money to make his life easier, that’s what he did.

I apologize humbly if you, or anyone else, was insulted by my comments. I was trying to be humorous, not angry or insulting.

You STILL insist upon confusing rightism with conservativism, and leftism with liberalism. And you STILL insist upon confusing totalitarian collectivism with communism/socialism, even though both Nazism/fascism and Islamofascism are totalitarian collectivisms, too.

Conservatism of the kind embraced by Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan doesn’t have jack shit to do with right wingism; classical conservatism originated with Edmund Burke. Just like liberalism of the kind embraced by JFK and Scoop Jackson doesn’t have jack shit to do with leftism; classical liberalism originated with Jon Stuart Mill.