
Outrage! Charles Johnson Won't Apologize!

What, me worry?6/06/2011 6:38:40 pm PDT

re: #199 freetoken

I propose that a lot of people are letting their moral dissent (at the idea of a married person flirting online with someone not their spouse) get manipulated by meme-engineers.

There are very roughly 100,000,000 married people in this country. A significant portion of them will engage in flirtations outside of marriage, and a non trivial number of them will actually engage in sex outside of marriage.

I’m not saying it is right. However, the subject of flirting is certainly popular and any online search will come up with millions of hits, e.g.: Why Married Men Flirt

So why is the case of Anthony Weiner special?

Because he is an effective rhetorician for the Democratic Party, and certain vested interests don’t like that.

My issue is the enormity of it. If my husband is having phone or internet sex, sending pictures or out-and-out cheating, it’s between us. What Weiner did and others like him who start off with denials, was lie to everyone. And look at the shit we’re getting for it here? They’re trying to slam Charles’ character. Not that they don’t always do that! Ok, but it’s the effects of the wider audience.

1000 men could cheat, but the only one who will catch shit for it is the one that gets caught.