
Vetting Themselves: Breitbart Gang in Yet Another Ridiculously Massive Fail

Gus5/23/2012 8:27:04 pm PDT

re: #206 SpaceJesus

Freep is thrilled that Colin Powell came out in favor of gay marriage.


That weirdo made FSDT with another comment:

Quote# 82259

[re: a marine supporting letting gays serve in the military]

Yeah, the issue is that Obama has faggotized the damned armed forces. The Marine Corps, The Air Force, etc., no longer exist as they did. They now WELCOME degeneracy and perversion. I have no respect for anyone who has joined up from this year forward. And this cowardly, scumbag Marine can go straight to hell where he belongs.

greene66, Free Republic 50 Comments [6/30/2011 3:26:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 63