
A Picture of Bad Craziness: New Poll Shows 54% of Republicans Think Obama Is Muslim "Deep Down"

ObserverArt2/25/2015 1:06:05 pm PST

McConnell and Boehner have been in politics long enough now to know how it works. So, how the hell do they keep painting themselves in the corner? And what good does it do for them to say Obama put them in that position?

Those two are by far the most bumbling house and senate duo in a long time if not in history of American politics. They have the power now and yet can’t do a thing with it. But they still kiss the butts of those that made their jobs impossible, FOX News and the Tea Party.

Everything wrong in two people…a study of crippled American politics and career self-neutering. Hand me that dull knife, I’m going to remove these myself.

Do you hear that? It’s a low whimper. Yeah…Boehner crying, again. Now he has nothing left to cut off.