
Seth Meyers: Allegations Mount Against Roy Moore as Trump Cozies Up to Putin

lawhawk11/14/2017 8:30:45 am PST

Meanwhile, Sessions is calling on the DOJ to look at whether Clinton Foundation did anything wrong vis a vis uranium one deal.

These fuckers don’t know when to stop. This is straight up red meat to the ignorant know nothings who support Trump and think Clinton did something wrong.

Never mind that Clinton wasn’t directly involved.
Never mind that it took a unanimous decision by the panel of 9 agencies/departments to approve the deal.
Never mind that the agencies/departments would still approve the deal today.
Never mind that the sale didn’t actually mean Russia was in control of uranium or affected our nuclear weapons program.
Never mind that the Clinton Foundation didn’t profit from this, or that Clinton didn’t personally profit from any of this.

It’s all a sham and sideshow Sessions is throwing out there to deflect attention from the real story of Trump’s countless connections to Russia directly and by and through Wikileaks. Trump campaign, including Junior, Papadopoulos, Sessions, Kushner, Manafort, Flynn, and others all worked with foreign entities and agents (or were undeclared foreign agents themselves) to manipulate the election outcome, working with groups like Wikileaks to deflect attention shift the conversation away from Trump’s multitude of problems to focus on BS about Clinton. The actions constitute a conspiracy against the US and multiple violations of federal law.

Junior once again confirmed that he’s at the center of all this, but he’s repeatedly shown that the connections and coordination went all the way to Trump himself.