
Video: President Obama on Anti-Government Rhetoric

Athens Runaway5/01/2010 4:47:13 pm PDT

re: #204 Stanley Sea

clarity please?

San Fran is a sanctuary city, meaning that within city limits, an individual’s immigration status is irrelevant. The city, for the last 2 decades or so, has refused to cooperate in any way with federal or state immigration enforcement, unless the Feds or state threaten to put the city on double-sekrit suspension.

San Fran, per official city policy, is also leading the charge for the economic boycott of Arizona. No SF employees are allowed to travel to the Fourth Reich Aryan-zona Arizona.

Saying that Californians are staying neutral on immigration policy is ridiculious. Cities across the state have been leading the pro-illegal immigration charge for upwards of 20 years.