
Heartless 'Religious' Bastards of the Day: Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer

Ziggy_TARDIS12/14/2012 5:14:14 pm PST

I left for a bit and didn’t see the response Destro had to de-constructing his view of Europe. I’ll say this. As a Muslim, I feel much safer in the US than almost anywhere in Europe, save Scandinavia.

In addition, the raging hemorrhoid doesn’t seem to realize one can change their politics on single issues if a certain event is heavy enough. Yes, I am now in favor of stricter gun laws. At one point, I was Pro-Life as well, but shifted on that too. And on guns, I’m wanting the more stringent background checks and application process for gun owners, along with restrictions on ammo.

In other words, what Scandinavia and the Czechs do.