
Reports: Trump Says Kelly Is "100% Safe." Translation: He's Doomed.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/16/2018 3:11:45 pm PDT

re: #203 HappyWarrior(Not Larry Kudlow)

Notice they never talk about New Orleans or St. Louis. Two cities in bright red states with higher gun homicide rates than Chicago.

Or the state of Louisiana (with roughly the same population as Chicago and its suburbs) and its much higher homicide/suicide rate by firearms.

The issue on “Chicago, gun violence, hair on fire!” is not-very-hidden dog whistle for “black.”

By Mr. Shapiro’s logic, Massachusetts should have a horrible death rate, not states like Louisiana, Missouri, and Arizona.

The data is clear: States with more restrictive laws by-and-large have lower overall homicide and suicide rates with firearms (even when they are next to states with lax laws).