
White House Announces New Science Education Initiatives

Guanxi8811/23/2009 12:31:07 pm PST

C’mon, everybody! It’s the new global economy. We don’t need to train or educate scientists and engineers - we can import those for far less than the cost of a domestic one. We certainly don’t need to pay carpenters and skilled tradesman well, either - there are hundreds of thousands with similar skills for available for far fewer dollars, at whose poverty and exploitation we are all too willing to wink and shake our heads. Same goes double for our unskilled laborers - who the hell do they think they are, wanting to earn enough to live in something approaching dignity? Millions from around the world can do their work for them.

In the new global economy, all Americans will be white collar information workers, whose skills will somehow be immune to out-sourcing, I’m sure.

It’s a house of freakin’ cards. A race to the bottom, in a global scale. Improvements in communications and logistics mean that EVERYBODY’s job can or will be outsourced globally. Our chief industries will be government and financial fraud, if we keep this up.