
Overnight Open Thread

Fozzie Bear1/21/2011 9:30:55 am PST

re: #214 RogueOne

I think you’re right. I can only imagine how many parents will tell their kids “if you have nothing to hide then it’s ok to give up your rights”.

I keep hearing that shit everywhere I go and talk about expansion of police powers, sneak and peek warrants, subpoenas coupled with gag orders, etc.

This whole “it could never happen here” meme, when mentioned in reference to oppressive government, is just so much flag waving bullshit. We are the land of the free precisely as long as we continually fight to remain so, and no longer.

On a slightly different point, the drug war has to end. It is a failed experiement. The black market created by it is crushing Mexico, and the cost of incarcerating a huge proportion of the population is crippling us here in the US. We incarcerate more people per capita than any other country in the world, and we still have a relatively high violent crime rate, much of it drug related. Not only is the drug war doomed to fail, it is causing far more problems than it solves.