
Denver Man Admits Al Qaeda Ties

drcordell9/18/2009 2:22:29 pm PDT

re: #165 karmic_inquisitor

No. You aren’t alone.

And Randall Terry isn’t alone in thinking that a single abortion is a disgrace to all Americans.

I think I stand alone in thinking that moral absolutists such as yourself and Randall Terry should fete each other. But that is just me.

I have no problem with the moral stain of waterboarding terrorists. And each of the three was a terrorist.

Are you kidding me? Not supporting torture now makes me the equivalent of someone who cheers on the murder of doctors. Fuck you very much.

You can’t seem to manage to wrap your head around the fact that we tortured HUNDRED of terror suspects. Not terrorists. Terror suspects. Many of whom died as a result of savage beatings, blunt force trauma or hypothermia. More than just three men were tortured. And I can guarantee you that there were innocents among the guilty.

When we torture as a nation, we lose any moral authority to protect human rights anywhere else on the globe. Now that we have established ourselves as a nation that tortures, we have no standing to move against Iran for brutally torturing and raping political prisoners. America has legitimized torture, and the world is a worse place for it. Especially considering that the experts in interrogation know that torture severely increases the chance of false confession.

The Nazis indeed used the waterboard, but only to extract false confessions. The most feared Nazi interrogator, who broke more of our soldiers than any other man, did not even raise his voice in the presence of a prisoner. Not once.

We destroyed the moral authority of the greatest nation on earth by torturing. And the information that it produced could have been extracted by any number of alternative means. that is all.