
The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

karev3/21/2015 10:22:21 am PDT

re: #210 goddamnedfrank

Conservative xenophobia and rejection of the environment in a nutshell. There is really no other reason to even think about rejecting the idea of global citizenship. On some basic level you believe, even now as we sit on the precipice of a global climate disaster, that it’s us or them, not us and them.

Pretty sure if events of Independence Day will come true you will be all ‘it’s us and them, let’s understand them etc’ while me and Dark Falcon will be flying alien ship into their mothership, blowing them to pieces and returning to the hords of gratefull hot chicks.