
Monday Night Acoustic Funk: Calum Graham, "Whiskey Sunrise"

ObserverArt10/17/2017 9:44:41 am PDT

re: #208 CongoJack

Good lord. NBC - do your damn research before you post shit. I swear NBC you are trying to remove your self as being a valid news source. My first exhibit would be freaking Megan Kelly (and Greta VanSnore (aka Greta VanScientologist at MSNBC).

Greta has been gone for a few months now. She quit seeing that her ratings were no good.

As far as this report, Iโ€™m going to wait to see how this one washes out. Sometimes some of the younger ladies of MSNBC jump too fast on a story and then the details come later.

Iโ€™m not making excuses, this is what happens when everyone has to jump on a story because it is hot and they canโ€™t get left behind. It sucks.