
Overnight Snarky Puppy Jam: "Binky"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/07/2018 8:18:14 am PST

re: #216 Scottish Dragon

I am in class right now. It’s planning period…and I wonder every single day if today is the day it happens. Is today the day I have to grab a phone, or a fire extinguisher and buy ten seconds for my students before I die?

I am sorry you have to think about such things. No teacher should have to think about anything other than the best ways to present their lessons to their students.

I despise the NRA and their bought-and-paid for politicians.

My brother-in-law is seriously considering retiring from teaching this year … he is also concerned about school shootings, and figures Texas will try to do the “teacher carry” nonsense.

As an aside, this helps the conservatives destroy public schools. Drive out the good teachers, the schools fail, then “see, government can’t do anything, privatise the schools, profit.”