
At Last: Jeffery Epstein's Procurer Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested by FBI on Sexual Abuse Charges

Targetpractice7/02/2020 1:33:41 pm PDT

re: #211 Teddy’s Person

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Just what fantasy world do they live in where he’ll have things “turned around” in two months?

- CV-19 is not magically going to stop being an issue, in fact it’s set up now to be the defining issue of the remainder of the year and into next. Once the summer vacation crowd go home, people will return to self-isolation, which means businesses that rely upon physical interactions will either scale back or just collapse altogether. You can look forward to a fall and winter plastered with companies filing for bankruptcy protection as the economy reality kicks in.

- The economy is not rebounding, at least not in the “V” fashion that wingnut economists predicted it would. What is showing in the numbers is the usual summer “sugar high” that occurs when businesses put on jobs to address the temporary increase in summer traffic. When those customers go home, the jobs go away and the economy stalls out again as the underlying issues remain.

- Both of these are going to contribute to the continuation (if not fuel the size of) racial protests into the fall and winter. You think shit is bad now? Wait until August, when the CARES Act has expired and the delayed effects of the economic crash begin to show up. All the social ills that have been put on hold because of the panicky response of Senate Repubs coming back like a damned tidal wave is gonna only add fuel to a fire that Trump absolutely refuses to realistically address.

tl;dr, any hope Repubs have that Trump is gonna fix all the problems dragging down his campaign in 2 months is pure self-delusion…or just pure BS, as if there’s a functional difference by this point.