
More Advertisers Drop Beck

JarHeadLifer9/03/2009 1:50:50 pm PDT

re: #132 Charles

Every major GOP politician has appeared on Glenn Beck’s show, and Sarah Palin explicitly promotes him at her Facebook page. The GOP is way off the rails, and there’s no better illustration of it than their embrace of Glenn Beck John Birch Society-inspired craziness.

Perhaps they are. But, as far right - or just plain crazy as Beck is - doesn’t mean the left and specifically the DNC and Obama White HOuse aren’t “just as far off the rails” as the GOP.

When you’ve got a guy like Van Jones, a avowed communist and 9/11 Truther, working in a paid policy position in Obama’s White House (who incidentally used to have a board position with the Color of Change), I think that there are PLENTY of “nut” labels to pass around, with no shortage of targets in either party. The problem is, the GOP is in complete opposition. It’s the Democrats that control all the levers of Executive and Legislative power. So, it’s their “nuts” that bother me the most right now.

As soon as Beck runs for office, I’ll start losing some sleep over the idiocy that comes out of his mouth. Until then, I’m going to be keeping my eye on the whack-jobs that are spending this country into ruin and possibly inviting the next 9/11, through their incompetence and hubris.