
Obama's In the House

Guanxi883/20/2010 2:32:33 pm PDT

re: #205 windsagio

I’m not a big fan of the largescale social engineering that what I’m about to say might imply, but~ The fact that its getting harder and more expensive to own a home doesn’t change the fact that the ‘everyone must own a home’ model is deeply flawed. Smaller units closer in (or closer to public transit) would be better for everyone.

In places like LA, or LV, things like lawns are (or shojuld be) borderline criminal.

Or maybe we can just compromise on the idea of ‘no new house building’ >>

Real trick is to inform and remind people of what a house is and should be, and what it is not, and to help them keep the practicality of the thing foremost in their minds. For some, they may realize, as we did, that a smaller, older house makes more sense than a newer one, and that, in many cases, one gets far better value from the older designs than the new ones.

As for lawns and suchlike, well, I think they’re wasteful in the extreme, and I was shocked at how green Vegas’ neighborhoods were (such a waste in a thirsty land), but i doubt one could do anything to stop the folly, short of pricing water according to its actual value.