
And Now for Something Completely Different

CuriousLurker9/10/2011 3:13:54 pm PDT

My half-sister had four boys who were always doing crazy-assed stuff. Ditto for the other half-sis that had six girls. When they all got together, you could be sure someone was going to end up in the hospital.


1.) Jumping on the trampoline. Not enough fun on it’s own, so they decided to move it closer to the house and jump on it from the roof. Result: one girl with a broken leg.

2.) Playing cowboys & indians. One kid runs in and says his brother isn’t breathing. Mom asks what happened as she runs for the door (knowing there’s probably no time to waste). Kid says they were hanging one of the bad guys from a real tree with a real rope. Result: one boy alive, but with rope burns on his neck. (Thank God there were no train track nearby, or they would’ve tied someone to them.)

3.) Kid comes running in with a hole in his head that’s spurting blood in sync with his pulse and dripping down his face. Sis grabs grabs kitchen towel to staunch bleeding and asks what the hell happened THIS time. Kid says they where playing war in the 2-story wooden fort my dad built them, and they were dropping bombs on each other. Sis asks what they were using for bombs. Kid answers, “Bricks.” Sis screams, “Hold the damned towel towel to your head!” as she flies out door at warp speed. Result: one boy in hospital for stitches, thankfully no fatalities.

It’s absolutely amazing that all of them survived to adulthood.