
Live Video: 2012 Democratic Convention, Day 3

allegro9/06/2012 3:16:59 pm PDT

re: #7 JamesWI

LOL…..someone is butthurt tonight: Asked if he’d watched any of the Democratic convention, including former President Bill Clinton’s speech Wednesday night, Romney he hadn’t “so far.” Asked if he would watch Obama’s speech, Romney curtly replied, “Uh, don’t plan on it.”

A “promises reset”……that sort of sounds like… Etch-a-Sketch moment?

And forget all that stuff Republicans said about how horrible it was that Democrats responded to Republican lies during their convention. Claiming that the other party isn’t supposed to “campaign” at that time.

More “Good for me, not for thee” from the GOP.

Is this the level of attention we can expect from a Romney presidency? He’s in the battle of his life right now and he claims he pays no attention to his opponent, the guy he will be meeting in debates soon? Really? He’s either lying again or a truly shitty tactician unwilling to do the homework and research necessary.