
Totten: Sadr City After the Fall

realwest4/08/2009 11:30:10 pm PDT

re: #206 Gus 802 Well of course you’re correct; a majority of Americans are tired of “war” in both Iraq and Afghanistan and would likely NEVER have gone along with another war, this time against Iran.
As for Russians well, quite a few Soviet Union personel were indeed lost in Vietnam, but since Uncle Walter didn’t report it, neither did anyone else in the MSM.
Indeed, my biggest reason for not going into Iraq when we did, was because I wanted President Bush to present the cogent argument that in the GWoT, Iran was and remains a far more dangerous nation than was Iraq. Every POTUS only has so much political capital and President Bush felt it more necessary to expend his on Iraq rather than Iran.
For the record, President Bush never consulted with me on this issue!