
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

Targetpractice4/12/2012 11:06:48 am PDT

re: #217 CSUH2001

I will be happy to answer your question. I never stated I CARE about abortion rights. What happened was in discussing the comments made about Mrs. Romney abortion was brought up and I politely declined not to go there. I said I know many women who have made that choice and I have no interest in doing anything to stop them. I have never protested outside a clinic, I don’t support bombing anybody, killing anybody, or anything of that nature. As a woman I couldn’t do it, but it is not up for me to decide. And this is how we return to the issue, choice. We as women should have the freedom to live the life we choose. If we want to be childfree we should be respected and if we choose to stay at home and have children in spite of the financial burden we should be respected. I know for a fact there is a political movement in this country that wants to overturn Roe V. Wade. These people also want to get rid of the whole of the federal government. Its not happening.

It’s in the process of happening and will happen if women continue to bury their heads in the sand and act as though Roe v Wade is etched in stone.