
A Surreal Masterpiece: Death to the Tinman

Targetpractice3/12/2013 9:04:11 am PDT

re: #210 Dr. Matt

How exactly does an extra 30 million people with access to health care “kill jobs”? I would loooooovvveee to hear this explanation.

The argument goes, as I’ve been able to understand it, that limits on how many hours a company can make you work before you qualify for coverage or how many workers a company can have before it must provide insurance will force those companies to work people just under the time limit and hire just up to the limit so as to avoid paying for anything. In other words, in a global marketplace where the US is competing against many nations whose corporations benefit from having the government pick up the tab for health care, corporations in the US will just bleed more blood from the stone in the name of “profit.”