
Farewell, Tom Petty - Into the Great Wide Open

sagehen10/03/2017 8:11:19 am PDT

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 3, 2017

Pools: there are zoning laws about the fencing around pools, covers over pools, “attractive nuisance” principles in tort law… if somebody else’s kid dies in your pool, they get all your money.

Cars: seat belt laws, airbags, stricter drunk driving limits, new materials for windshields, guard rails and speed bumps in selected locations… the annual death toll from automobile-related deaths is down 40% from the 1960’s.

Cigarettes: OMG the RULES about cigarettes!! Where you can smoke, age limit to buy cigarettes, etc etc etc. Not in restaurants, nightclubs, schools, offices, Central Park. NYC now has entire apartment buildings that forbid smoking by anyone ever, even in their own home.

Alcohol: lots of rules about who, when and where. Also, the purveyor is allowed required to say “no, you have enough, I can’t sell you anymore” if he (in his sole judgment) believes you may be a danger to others.