
AP: Steve Jobs Resigning from Apple

Jaerik8/24/2011 6:45:35 pm PDT

I have PC’s for both my home and work desktops, but also a Macbook Air, iPad, and iPhone.

I’m a complete convert in the mobile space. It’s just a priorities thing. I don’t want customization, specs, 3rd party tweaks, etc on my mobile devices. I don’t want to invest any time whatsoever on getting them set up and making them work. I literally want them to be stupidly shiny out of my pocket and handle a core set of tasks well, and I will pay the Apple premium to get that, even if it means I don’t have as much freedom to extend or tweak those features to my liking, and am chained to their App Store forever. I don’t have enough hours in the day to care.

That being said, it’s unlikely I will ever get an Apple desktop — I just need too many things back in the PC space for my work and home machine. (I’m an engine/platform programmer in the gaming industry.) PC is the platform I’m trained on, that all my peers use, that our target demo is on, and I’m really just not interested in converting within that work/play environment.

So I’m in both places: I understand the PC argument (and agree) when it comes to my desktops, but I understand the Apple argument (and agree) when it comes to my mobile devices. And I just don’t get why people argue so vociferously about it.

And when my aunt’s fourth PC in two years blew up (two from horrific viruses and two from hardware failures) this last weekend, you better believe we marched her straight to the Apple store. $700, Mac Mini. Here’s your email and browser and photo album and Facebook. 15 minute setup. If it breaks, bring it back here and they fix it for free. Done.