
Jon Gomm: "Butterfly Hurricane"

Teukka7/27/2021 8:00:00 am PDT

Good lord… Just done firing off responses to someone who shared a tweet from a supposed “Swedish Grandma”…

o A grammatical/terminlogical error no Swede would make even drunk.
o Use of an abbreviation for local clinics that mostly people in the field use, and then predominately in written communication.
o Assumption that local clinics are open on weekends (only a few, “on call” ones are).
o Assumption that testing is done at special centers. They aren’t, swabs are taken at the care unit the patient is in, and processed at the usual central test processing centers or locally.
o Inflammatory question “Who has decided that we are to stop testing for Corona?”, which evokes the mental image of people at the top not knowing shit.

Like, even if we disregard the cringeworthy terminological and grammatical errors, the tweet (and others in the timeline) read like picture someone would get from hostile propaganda about Sweden, with no knowledge of the actual laws or situation on the ground here whatsoever.

Back in February 2020, SARS-CoV-2 was declared a pathogen dangerous to society (“samhällsfarlig smitta”), meaning that not testing on reasonable suspicion is a crime punishable with up to 2 years imprisonment, and with possible criminal liability if you decide not to test someone who later turns out to be infected. The declaration of SARS-CoV-2 as a pathogen dangerous to society is still in effect.

We also have the case of the “entrepeneurs” that decided to take swabs but not test them, and give patients negative test result, which is still under unraveling / preliminary investigation. Some 100,000 people. The bar to get tested is very low in order to be able to catch those that got a false negative.

Not to mention that the delta variant being in circulation means that the bar to testing for CoViD is lowered for that reason to. I have friends who have gotten tested several times because health staff didn’t want to risk mistaking CoViD for hay fever…

*sits down and attempts to stop breathing fire*