
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

Shr_Nfr2/06/2009 5:41:54 pm PST

Boy o boy, I am going to get a chance to sell the $99,600 of doorbell stimulus in Laurel, Md. aren’t I. Oh, I’m not, I see. I do not get stimulated, I just get taxed. ha, but I have now trotted out my perfectly legal tax avoidance strategy. Since I am retired, I can determine how much I draw from my IRA and guess what boys and girls, it is going to be around 30% of what I did last year. I do not need the extra cash at the moment and these guys are not going to get me to pay taxes. Legally. Hey Obama go screw a goat and I hope it has muscle spasms when you do and you can’t pull out.