
Wingnuts Erupt In Rage Over Coates "Reparations" Article Without Bothering To Read It

ObserverArt5/22/2014 2:36:21 pm PDT

re: #208 BeenHereAwhile

Bomani is on the Dan Lebatard show every Thursday, and sometimes (jokingly) refers to his appearance as “ask the negro.” Dan’s show is not typical ESPN fare.

Dan Lebatard is infamous on conservative radio for his once appearance on the Hannity radio show. He (on a remote) was part of a panel to discuss race relations and kept loudly questioning why there were no blacks taking part in this discussion.

He was summarily cut off, and has not been invited back.

I don’t listen to LeBatard all the time, but the times I have he has been a bit more thorough in discussion than the typical ESPN radio dude. Also, he seems to dive into topics that are not standard sports radio.

As far as ESPN radio, I’m still trying to figure out if Colin Herd is a complete asshole, or just plays one on radio? Sometimes he says something smart and other times he is a complete jerk and carries ESPN water as the greatest thing eva!