
Sunday Night Jam: Leon Bridges, "Smooth Sailin'"

lawhawk12/14/2015 6:31:54 am PST

Israel continues to face attacks, using the mundane to inflict casualties. Forget kassams or mortars. Terrorists are now using motor vehicles, knives, and whatever else at their disposal to attack groups of Israelis.

The latest attack involved a car ramming a bus stop of people waiting to take the bus.

It’s just the latest in a long string of attacks and the Israeli government has no way to respond to this. There’s no peace process to speak of, and Netenyahu isn’t about to start one when Israelis are getting killed or injured regularly from terror attacks. There’s no indication that Abbas and the PA are willing to resume the peace process either, so everyone is willing to continue with the status quo where no one is happy.

It’s dysfunction and inertia all rolled into one. The only way it will break is when new leadership emerges on both sides and both are willing to take a chance for a breakthrough deal. I just don’t see that happening - on either side of the issue.